SIBU: The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil
Service (Cuepacs) expects civil servants to always maintain the high
level of integrity.Its national president Datuk Azih Muda said they should always do what’s right even when no one was watching.
He said only with integrity could civil servants bring their respective departments and agencies to greater heights.
Azih said this at a talk on ‘Civil Service Integrity and Innovative
National Transformation Mover 2050’ at the premises of Sibu Water Board
here yesterday.The talk was held in conjunction with ‘Sibu Water Board Integrity and
Innovation Month 2017’, which was attended by about 60 officers and
other personnel. President of Sibu Water Board Employees Union Mohd
Zainoren Arshad was also present.
Azih said: “If we all serve with integrity in our mind and heart, we
will be guided by a set of core principles that empowers us to behave
consistently to high standards. “The core principles of integrity are virtues such as respect,
dependability, trust, honesty, wisdom, compassion, kindness, loyalty,
objectivity and maturity.”
Azih added that the virtues were valuable personal and professional assets that employees develop and bring to work every day.While assuring civil servants of Cuepacs’ efforts to fight for their
rights and welfare, Azih urged the government to give civil servants a
good salary increment in view of the ever rising cost of living.
Ibu bilis ni penjawat awam ke ?
BalasPadamSaya cadangkan supaya gaji PM dikaji semula memandangkan sudah 12 tahun tidak dibuat penambahbaikan..Pada hari ini harga barang amat amat mahal dan situasi ini akan menghalang YB PM untuk membantu rakyat ....
BalasPadamIbu lilis ni slh bilik, patut masuk blk
BalasPadamBomoh br btl, ni blk pa apa sibuk2
Q kerja di Hongkong 3 THN dlu Amat trsiksa Majikan gak baik Tiap hari di marahin kerja terus 24 jam jarang istrahat tidur mlm Kerja sampe subuh pgi klo lagi libur sekolah sibuk masak" boro" bisa istrirahat, pokoknya kerja.. kerja truss... jd TKW Bikin kapok tersiksa batin 3 THN, kebetulan wktu itu ada teman Q kenal namanya Mbah Jenggot di facebook, awalnya Q ikut-ikutan melihat temanku, ternyata setelah kubuktikan hasilnya memang luar biasa..!! katanya sering di bantu sm beliau. ternyata dia seorang guru spritual Pesugihan Anka Togel 2D sampai 6D dan Pesugihan Dana Ghaib , tp Q beranikan diri coba telpon beliau. Tp Q memilih Pesugihan Dana Ghaib nya. Alhamdulillah benar2 terbukti nyata hasilnya, Q di Hongkong bisa pulang ke indonesia degan selamat jg dah Alhamdulilah ���� jika ada teman minat ingin tlpn beliau ini nmr nya +6282291277145 smg bisa di bantu sprti Q. Amin...