KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Nov (Bernama) -- Cuepacs has accepted the government decision not to pay a bonus of two months' salary to the 1.2 million civil servants this year after getting clarification from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Thursday.Its president, Omar Osman said the Prime Minister, however, gave an assurance that he would look into the payment of an additional bonus of RM500 in the near future if the economic situation permitted it."The Prime Minister also gave an assurance that he would consider the payment of the two months' bonus as requested by the congress if the country's economic situation recovered later."This matter is under consideration by the Prime Minister, but in the near future we hope there is an addition of RM500 for civil servants to receive RM1,000 in December," he told reporters after a meeting of about one hour with the Prime Minister at Parliament House, here Thursday.For civil servants with the rank of 'Jusa' and above, Omar said the Prime Minister also agreed to consider the request of the congress to allow an income tax reduction of up to 30 per cent.Omar said that at the meeting, Najib explained that the government might have to borrow from other sources if it were to meet the demand of the congress.Cuepacs had earlier requested that the government consider the payment of a bonus of two months' salary for civil servants in the tabling of the 2010 Budget on Oct 23.The government however announced that it would give a special payment of RM500 to government employees in grades 41-54 and its equivalent as well as government pensioners in DecemberAt the meeting, the Prime Minister also agreed to increase the annual grant to Cuepacs to RM1 million beginning next year, he said.Last year, Cuepacs received RM350,000 to carry out its activities.-- BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Nov (Bernama) -- Cuepacs has accepted the government decision not to pay a bonus of two months' salary to the 1.2 million civil servants this year after getting clarification from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Thursday.Its president, Omar Osman said the Prime Minister, however, gave an assurance that he would look into the payment of an additional bonus of RM500 in the near future if the economic situation permitted it."The Prime Minister also gave an assurance that he would consider the payment of the two months' bonus as requested by the congress if the country's economic situation recovered later."This matter is under consideration by the Prime Minister, but in the near future we hope there is an addition of RM500 for civil servants to receive RM1,000 in December," he told reporters after a meeting of about one hour with the Prime Minister at Parliament House, here Thursday.For civil servants with the rank of 'Jusa' and above, Omar said the Prime Minister also agreed to consider the request of the congress to allow an income tax reduction of up to 30 per cent.Omar said that at the meeting, Najib explained that the government might have to borrow from other sources if it were to meet the demand of the congress.Cuepacs had earlier requested that the government consider the payment of a bonus of two months' salary for civil servants in the tabling of the 2010 Budget on Oct 23.The government however announced that it would give a special payment of RM500 to government employees in grades 41-54 and its equivalent as well as government pensioners in DecemberAt the meeting, the Prime Minister also agreed to increase the annual grant to Cuepacs to RM1 million beginning next year, he said.Last year, Cuepacs received RM350,000 to carry out its activities.-- BERNAMA
16 ulasan:
Why no comments? Cannot understand english? Of course you can't since you people always like to "minum2", "hisap rokok", "makan2", "baca cerita artis", "pergi jom heboh", "pergi kursus tapi tidur", "hari keluarga", "menyanyi / tarian / senamrobik" and the like.
Please use your brains instead, then maybe you can understand working for the country is more than bonuses.
This is my comment on you fuck your ass
I see that you know simple English which are only limited to derogatory phrases and dirty words. Such are the intellect of the majority of staffs we have.
Very sad. That's why the government is slow to response to our leaders' calls of improvements. You people are very lucky that we have to 'feed' you even though you are not qualified.
Please response more if you can understand what I say.
kalau berani...dedahkan identiti saudara...baru boleh berdebat..
awak ni betul bersikap perkauman..saya yakin..awak bukan melayu..
bahasa kasar...tak guna jadi orang malaysia..
Ahh so typical of these low intellects to give stereotypical comments like the above... now I'm the villain.
Oh, I forgot you cannot begin to understand English since the second comment here is all "mencarut" and yet you seem to agree with it and don't even want to disassociate from it.
And you sir, is one fine idiot to ask for identities to be revealed. You apparently from lack of intelligence didn't notice you yourself are shrouded in cyber shadows.
Omar Cecupak are coward...
Yes, yes, yes... omar coward atau omar lembu...
omar,omar mind your on business.
alamak.ko dok kat malaysia.cakap la bahasa melayu.jika ko pro cakap BI pun, aku peduli apa.pi la dok US la..
KO bukan leh jadi PM pun villain.jadi ko nak komen negatif pasai PA nie.aku tak kisah, sebab bukan ko bagi aku gaji pun.
bukan tak faham BI, tapi kami, org melayu, buat pa nak gadai bahasa kami, tak da guna.bukan dapat apa pun.
satu lagi, kerja yang diberikan adalah atas kelayakan, bukan tak layak..ko ingat keja kerajaan macam keja pembantu rumah ker indonesia ker?fikir la sikit sebelum buat kenyataan.
ko dapat keja atas tiker pa villain?mst atas akademik ko?takkan ko takda ijazah, ko nak jadi pegawai kot?aduhai.perkara mcm nie pun ko tak tau.
pasai yang negatif tue...ko ingat PA nie semua mcm tue ker?jadi ko pi buat KAJIAN TINDAKAN dulu, kemudian buat KERTAS KERJA, kmdn bgtau kat media..betul ker semua PA hanya tahu minum2, hisap rokok, makan2 dan lain2 lagi...jika betul ko gak dapat nama.tu pun jika ko nie jenis rajin la.tapi aku tau, ko main cakap jer.cakap leh la..aku leh cakap..bukan kena bayar...
jadi pasal bonus nie villain, aku nak bagitau kau...nie hak kami.kami mahu penghargaan dari majikan.2 ajer.
ok villain...aku harap ko faham..2 pun kalu ko faham bahasa melayu la..jika ko tak faham, ko pi bljr la yer.
jadi jgn pandang rendah org lain,jgn ingat diri hebat sgt, sdglan ramai lagi hebat dari ko.cuma diam lagi baik.dari memekak mcm ko...ok...
Pigilah omar.. siapa yg mulakan dulu..kau memandang rendah terhadap kami ingat kau tu bagus ..
jangan2 kau tu dilahirkan diatas tikar mengkuang nak berlagak cakap omputeh.. nak tanya pulak Why no comments. syuu minggir kau dari sini. Dasar banyak makan rasuah itulah pasal memandang hina terhadap insan lain.
Ye kita tunggu PRU akan datang... biar kita undi pembangkang... diorg ni lagi x de belas kasihan...sumernya nk telus la pe la... alamatnya PA sekarang abis la kena buang sebab x perform atau kuat sangat mengular / minum / berjoget sana sini
Ye kita tunggu PRU dan undi pembangkang demi PA yang lebih cemerlang dan rajin berusaha demi negara dan bukan pegi jualan, jom heboh, alamanda, tgk wayang, joget2, tari menari dsb
relaks...cecupak tu dengki sebab x boleh join kakitangan awam..
tak layak...dengki dan busuk hati..
baik kau jadi kuli aku aje..
we can accepts goverment decision on not giving bonus, but some of cabinet peoples and UMNO/ BN members are corrupted. forget about bonus, we must look forward in coming PRU 13. the number 13 is nightmare to UMNO/BN.
Bonus tak diberi sbb keadaan ekonomi tak mengizinkan. Jadi jgn le pandai2 nak menambah mengaitkan dgn kualiti kerja pula.
ko ckp apa ni tambi yg di atas ni???
ko mabuk ke???
Aku juga teringin nak merasa macam korg ..
Tp aku lupa, aku cakap je pandai .. Tp, sijil apa pun takde ..
Tapi apa pun aku sokong 1 malaysia ..
Jom kita Sokong Najib .. Idup Najib .. Sayang Najib ..
Yang Ikhlas,
Omar Cecupak
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