Daily Express

The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services
(Cuepacs) has urged the Government to consider improving 252 civil
service schemes, a sentiment shared by its 1.6 million members
nationwide.Its Deputy President 1, Zainal Ismail, said these include 81 schemes
announced in the budget last year as well as a complete salary schedule.
"Secondly, we also urge the Government to give due attention to the
1Malaysia civil servants housing, including in Sabah and Sarawak," he
said after opening the Consumerism and Post GST seminar, organised by
the Sabah Medical Services Union (MSU)/Union of Sabah Medical Branch, in
collaboration with Cuepacs, here, Tuesday.Also present was Cuepacs Secretary-General Datuk Lok Yim Peng.Cuepacs also proposed that the houses be priced below RM150,000 and
their built-up area increased to 1,000 square feet and not 850 square
feet as proposed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently.
Zainal also asked the Government to consider exempting GST to senior
citizens, disabled people, children and others whose average income is
less than RM5,000. "Cuepacs had always supported the government policies, including the
implementation of GST. However, we are asking for this consideration
because the GST collections have been somewhat encouraging," he said.
In terms of housing loans, Cuepacs also asked that they be included in
the process because many of their members have complained that the loan
process is taking too long and more than a year.Other problems could also be avoided because there are those who use
Cuepacs' name in order to collect deposits from government employees to
buy houses with the cooperation of the Finance Ministry, only to realise
they have been deceived.
Meanwhile, Lok said the Government, among other things, is urged to
provide high skill training to civil servants by giving them exposure
overseas."It is important to increase their quality as targeted in the 11th
Malaysia Plan, where we want our employees and civil servants to have
the talent and expertise, in line with the national agenda to achieve
Vision 2020," he said.
Additionally, Cuepacs also asked for educational opportunities for civil
servants, namely the opportunity to further their studies through the
Open University Malaysia (OUM) and through the availability of
educational funds
3 ulasan:
Sebelumnya perkenalkan nama saya Rahmad Bastian di jawa tengah ingin menceritakan kepada semua teman-teman bahwa saya yg dulunya orang yg paling susah kampungku,buat makan aja harus ngutan dulu ama tetangga itupun kalau ada yg mau ngasi,semakin saya berusaha semakin susah juga dapat pekerjaan dan selama saya ingin berbuat baik kepada orang lain semakin banyak pula yang benci ama saya dan cuma dianggap orang rendah,miskin,tidak punya apa-apa. Maka dari itu saya akhirnya bertekat untuk pergi mencari dukun yang bisa merubah nasib saya disuatu hari saya bertemu sama orang yang pernah dibantu ama AKI ROTAK dan dia memberikan nomer AKI ROTAK ,dia juga bilan kepada saya kalau AKI ROTAK bisa membantu orang yang lagi kesusahan,dan saya tidak berpikir panjang lebar lagi saya langsun menghubungi AKI ROTAK dengan senan hati AKI ROTAK ingin membantu saya dengan jalan togel,dan alhamdulillah saya sudah menang togel yang ke3 kalinya.setelah keberhasilan ini rencana saya ama keluarga ingin buka usaha demi untu kebutuhan keluarga yang tercinta sekali lagi makasih ya aki atas bantuanya jasa aki tidak akan perna saya lupakan.bagi teman-teman diluar sana yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI ROTAK di 082388316533 dan saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah swt karna melalui bantuan AKI ROTAK kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tidak akan datan untuk yg kedua kalinya.
admin blogspot cuepacs rilek je dengan komen2 macam kat atas ni kan.
jadahnya 1000 kaki persegi. tu bukan rumah, tu reban ayam nama dia. rumah untuk manusia, tak kiralah berkeluarga anak 2 ke, atau bujang sorang je, paling tidak pun 1500 kaki persegi dan ke atas.
Terimakasih banyak AKI karna melalui jalan togel ini saya sekarang sudah bisa melunasi semua hutang2 orang tua saya bahkan saya juga sudah punya warung makan sendiri hi itu semua berkat bantuan AKI JAYA yang telah membarikan angka 4D nya kepada saya dan ALHAMDULILLAH berhasil,kini saya sangat bangga pada diri saya sendiri karna melalui jalan togel ini saya sudah bisa membahagiakan orang tua saya..jika anda ingin sukses seperti saya hubungi no hp O85-244-015-689 AKI JAYA,angka ritual AKI JAYA meman selalu tepat dan terbukti..silahkan anda buktikan sendiri.
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