PUTRAJAYA: The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and
Civil Services (Cuepacs) has called for the government to take legal
action against the perpetrator of the deceptive video recording of Bukit
Selambau Health Clinic.

Cuepacs president Datuk Azih Muda has labelled the act as irresponsible and disappointing.
“On behalf of Cuepacs, I want to express my disappointment about the
incident. The video recording was done by an irresponsible party. We
will write in to the Attorney-General’s Chamber and propose a legal
action against the person who recorded the video and spread it on social
media,” Azih told reporters at a press conference this afternoon.
In expressing his regret over the man’s behaviour, Azih reiterated
that the clinic on that particular day had only one officer on duty even
though there are three medical officers stationed there. One was away
for training and the other was off-duty. “It’s just a small clinic. There are only three doctors working in
that small clinic and when the patient concerned walked in for
treatment, they had only one hospital assistant helping them but they
did their best to help the patient.”
Azih wants the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough
investigation on the case and take legal action against the culprits,
adding that they will also suggest some form of legal protection for
government institutions.In the two-part video, which has since gone viral, a man was seen
berating staff at the clinic for allegedly being late in attending to
patients. It has been widely circulated since April 7 in an attempt to
expose the supposedly poor services at the clinic.
The Kedah Health Department has denied that the staff at Bukit
Selambau Health Clinic had failed to provide medical treatment promptly
as suggested in the video.It was understood that the culprit, who had gone to the clinic with
the patient, had kicked up a fuss and even threatened the staff for
their alleged tardiness.
2 ulasan:
assalamu alaikum wr.wb
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assalamu alaikum wr.wb
mengucapkan terima kasih
banyak kepada KI JOYO WIJOYO atas nomor
togelnya yang kemaring
KY JOYO WIJOYO kasi yaitu “7566″
alhamdulillah itu benar2
tembus KI dan berkat
saya bisa melunasi semua
hutan2 keluarga saya dan
bukan hanya itu KI
alhamdulillah sekarang
saya sudah bisa membuka
usaha sendiri untuk
mencukupi kebutuhan
keluarga saya sehari2 itu
semua berkat bantuan KI JOYO WIJOYO. sekali lagi
makasih banyak yah KI…
yang ingin merubah nasib
seperti saya hubungi KI JOYO WIJOYO di
082-322-214-909 dijamin
100% pasti tembus karna
saya sudah melihat
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